chris shimojima.
narrative artist. real life. different beat.

Safe Society transcript Episode 1

               SAFE SOCIETY
               episode 1
               by CHRIS SHIMOJIMA
               © 2023 One Ocean Productions. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
               No portion of this script may be performed, published,
               reproduced, sold or distributed by any means or quoted or
               published in any website, without prior written consent of
               One Ocean Productions. Disposal of this script copy does not
               alter any of the restrictions set forth above.

                                        INTRO TITLE SOUNDS: "Safe Society"
                                        being whispered in a chorus of
                                        quick anxious voices, overlapping,
                                        starting quiet, then growing to
                                        fill our ears.... until abruptly
                                        cutting off.


                                        Then out of it, a subtle musical

                                        Again, the same thing, but now more

                                        Again, but the static jumps more,
                                        like we're trying to tune in to the
                                        right frequency.

                                        Picking up pace.

                                        Soon, it seems a voice is peeking

                         Hell----?  pfffszzpssszsss....

                                        We lose it amidst a wave of

                                        When the wave fades, it becomes
                                        much clearer:

                                   NARRATOR (CONT'D)
                         Hello?  Can you -- Hello.... Can
                         you understand?  Can you
                         Yeah, I think so?  Yeah, that's

                                        Now the static is gone, leaving
                                        just a harmonic resonance,
                                        accompanying a CULTURED, GENTLE,
                                        OPTIMISTIC VOICE, NPR-STYLE -- OUR

                                   NARRATOR (CONT'D)
                         We'll stay on this frequency.  And
                         so you're aware, we'll be working
                         to reach you in other languages

                                        MUSIC: cultural, optimistic
                                        background pop -- the INTRO/OUTRO

                                   NARRATOR (CONT'D)
                         This is Journey to Tomorrow, with a
                         special focus on the Safe Society. 
                         If you're a new listener, what you
                         should know is we cover its annual
                         symposium, which honors individuals
                         central to recent progress.  That
                         progress... where do we start?  The
                         past year has seen a monumental
                         step toward greater inclusiveness. 
                         And the further consolidation of
                         the energy industry into Safe
                         Society's reputable green
                         companies.  And the food industry's
                         awakening to the benefits of Safe
                         Society's sustainable partners. 
                         All in all, it's the invigorated
                         understanding that such collective
                         goals redirect companies to an
                         altogether better value system,
                         transcending profit.
                             (smiling, gentle sarcasm)
                         It's almost as if this organization
                         has a vision, wouldn't you say?
                         Today on the show, we're beginning
                         to spend time with the story of M,
                         whose pronouns are he, him, and
                         his.  Perhaps he needs no
                         introduction.  But you don't
                         necessarily know how he ended up on
                         this path, and that story is one of
                         mindfulness, and ultimately hope. 
                         So let's go back.  How do we
                         determine when exactly someone's
                         awakening begins?

                                        FLASH-REWIND, like hyper-channel
                                        surfing, backwards in time, through
                                        gibberish media voices, back to:


                                        Birds chirping.  A distant dog
                                        barking.  Distant kids playing.  A
                                        soccer ball, being kicked and
                                        dribbled, closer to us.  

                         Depends what we mean, and any
                         psychologist knows it's multi
                         faceted.  But one key influence
                         seems to be his remarkable father -- 


                                        YOUNG M (8) calls back.

                                   YOUNG M

                         -- a businessman, speaker,
                         activist, who without realizing,
                         was in many ways a previous decade
                         ally, before Safe Society's current

                                        Footsteps.... slowing down and
                                        deepening as they get closer.  The
                                        bird chirps become a distant
                                        echo... focusing our attention on
                                        just this spot.

                                        Dad's voice is relaxed, but slow
                                        and careful... something important
                                        to say:

                         What do we do in this household?

                                   YOUNG M
                         We care about everyone's feelings.

                         Do that with others, always. 
                         Listen to them.

                         What he would do was bring his hand
                         to his son's forehead, and tap it
                         with his thumb -- 

                                        Tap tap

                                   NARRATOR (CONT'D)
                         -- more a ritual than any customary
                         parental lesson.

                         Let every detail leave an
                         impression.  So you are in tune.

                                   YOUNG M
                         Let every detail leave an
                         impression.  So I am in tune. 

                         Then they will look up to you. 
                         Because you think with your heart.

                                   YOUNG M
                         Then they will look up to me. 
                         Because I think with my heart.

                                        Dad wants a different tone.

                         Because you think with your heart.

                                   YOUNG M
                         Because I think with my heart.

                                        All sounds stop.

                         And let us just pause a second. 
                         His father was an influential
                         figure in his field, having learned
                         the power of persuasion.  It meant
                         tapping into the depths of his
                         goodness, and confidently
                         transmitting it.

                                        Sounds resume.  Dad's voice sounds
                                        different.  Speaking with HEART and
                                        INTENT.  Filtered with an EXTRA
                                        DEEP RESONANCE.

                         Because you think with your heart.

                                        Sounds stop again.

                         M's eyelids would sometimes flutter
                         when he absorbed the persuasive
                         voice.  We are like putty at that
                         age, which is why good influence
                         needs to starts early... steering
                         us into the habit of staying open
                         and sensitive.

                                        Sounds resume.  M, with mature
                                        confidence now:

                                   YOUNG M
                         Because I think with my heart. 

                                        Dad chuckles gently -- approving. 
                                        The sound of ruffling M's hair.

                                        Background sounds fade back up,
                                        bringing us back to reality.

                         Oo!  Got it!  Haha!

                                        The soccer ball is kicked around
                                        again.  M laughs. Their footsteps,
                                        running through the grass, gets
                                        more distant.

                                        MUSIC: 90s-style needledrop --
                                        groovy, uplifting, longing



                                        Dad's voice IN A HANDHELD MIC:

                         Thank you.  Thank you.

                                        Applause fades as everyone settles.

                                   DAD (CONT'D)
                         So, Paul Vollinger has generously
                         let me moderate, so we can discuss
                         the changing times.  The hopeful
                         1990s.  I wanna start by summing it
                         up.  Let's consider everything
                         happening... and everything that is
                         on the precipice of happening.

                                        Like channel-surfing, we quickly
                                        skip through


                                        ///  fragments of 1990s prosperity.

                                        ///  Bill Clinton at a PRESIDENTIAL

                                   BILL CLINTON
                         If I am your President, homosexuals
                         will no longer be considered
                         security risks.


                                        ///  NEWS REPORT: ANCHOR saying
                                             Clinton is elected president.

                                        ///  Clinton giving celebratory
                                             words in ELECTION NIGHT

                                        ///  NEWS REPORT: ANCHOR announcing
                                            end of Apartheid

                                        ///  A CLASSROOM.

                                             A projector clicks.  The
                                             TEACHER asks STUDENTS:

                         And this?

                         Nelson Mandela!

                                             We can tell Young M is here,
                                             as we're closer to his voice
                                             than the others.

                                   DAD (IN AUDITORIUM)
                         Groundbreaking social consciousness
                         is all around.  Entering our minds.

                                        ///  KURT COBAIN INTERVIEW.

                                             The INTERVIEWER introducing:

                         ... here with Kurt Cobain of

                                             Kurt Cobain speaking out
                                             against sexism and rape.

                                   DAD (IN AUDITORIUM)
                         The willingness to question the
                         status quo.

                                        ///  NEWS REPORT: ANCHOR saying
                                             Nirvana is topping Billboard

                                        ///  MUSIC STORE.

                                             Young M and a CHILDHOOD
                                             FRIEND, wrestling over

                                   YOUNG M
                         Lemme hear!

                                   CHILDHOOD FRIEND
                         No, gimme it!

                                        The headphones come close -- a
                                        NIRVANA TRACK becomes fuller in our

                                   NIRVANA TRACK
                         Never met a wise man, if so it's a

                                   YOUNG M

                                   CHILDHOOD FRIEND
                         He's awesome.  My brother says he's
                         so cool. 

                                        ///  STREET.

                                             SELF-HELP GROUP MEMBER waves

                                   SELF-HELP GROUP MEMBER
                         Self-help meet-up!  Come join!

                                   YOUNG M
                         Mom, what's that?

                                   DAD (IN AUDITORIUM)
                         Everyone sees new ways.  The Church
                         can't give the answer any more. 
                         Maybe that's left some in darkness--

                                        ///  SELF-HELP GROUP MEMBERS in a
                                             MEETING ROOM take turns:

                                   SELF-HELP GROUP MEMBERS
                         /// I'm lonely.
                         /// I don't know where I belong.
                         /// I don't feel I have purpose.

                                   DAD (IN AUDITORIUM)
                         -- but darkness is needed to see
                         the light.

                                             A mash-up of their overlapping
                                             voices, consoling each other
                                             and giving advice.

                                        ///  NEWS REPORT: ANCHOR mentioning
                                             MILLION MAN MARCH -- Black men
                                             uniting in D.C., promoting
                                             togetherness, standing against

                                   DAD (IN AUDITORIUM) (CONT'D)
                         They've learned that matters are in
                         their own hands.  That they have
                         agency to create meaning.  

                                        ///  NEWS REPORT: ANCHOR mentioning
                                             Stanford Law speech code,
                                             banning speech intended to

                                   DAD (IN AUDITORIUM) (CONT'D)
                         And knowing words and deeds can
                         impact meaning, they're becoming

                                        ///  Voices of HAPPY KIDS / PARENTS
                                             laughing / playing / having

                                   DAD (IN AUDITORIUM) (CONT'D)
                         Parents are saying no to the stiff
                         methods of their parents, choosing
                         instead to nurture their kids' self

                                        ///  Voices of a SCHOOL COUNSELOR
                                             and KIDS in a meeting / class.

                                   DAD (IN AUDITORIUM) (CONT'D)
                         Saying you need help is no longer
                         taboo.  In fact, helping others
                         gives us new common goals.

                                        ///  Voices fade out, so we're more
                                             present with Dad in the
                                             CONFERENCE CENTER /

                                   DAD (CONT'D)
                         Parents out there -- show of hands 
                         - how many of you think present-day
                         schools are as divided into cliques
                         as they were back in your day? 
                         Right -- they're not.

                                        ///  INTERVIEWS with KIDS saying
                                             acceptance is important.  (Or
                                             all together chanting some
                                             phrase about acceptance)

                                   DAD (IN AUDITORIUM) (CONT'D)
                         Every day, this country grows more
                         aware.  Kids now enforce the idea
                         that bigotry sucks.  Kids are free
                         to be unique.

                                        ///  AUDIO MONTAGE of PC start-up

                                   DAD (IN AUDITORIUM) (CONT'D)
                         And with new tools becoming so
                         common, truly flattening the
                         playing field for the first time...

                                        ///  NEWS REPORT: ANCHOR talking
                                             about Princess Diana (or
                                             someone fictional)

                         ... arrived at the AIDS ward and
                         helped administer.  She grew up
                         with so little, but because of the
                         bigness of her heart, she shifts
                         our perception.

                                   DAD (IN AUDITORIUM)
                         -- anyone can one day change the

                                             and INTERVIEW with LOCAL KID

                                   LOCAL KID
                         I wanna be like her.

                         That, of course, was Princess
                         And M heard this, and everything
                         else, and absorbed it like a sponge
                         -- because his father wired into
                         him the value of listening.

                                        ///  QUICK AUDIO JUMBLE / RECAP of
                                             all this ARCHIVAL MATERIAL
                                             just heard.

                                             Young M repeats some of what
                                             he hears. 

                                        ///  CONFERENCE CENTER / AUDITORIUM

                         If we make enough realize that,
                         realize they can change the
                         world... Look how far we've already
                         come... Imagine what more is

                                             Applause.  Young M, shouting

                                   YOUNG M
                         YEAH DAD!  YOU'RE DOING GOOD!


                                        The door cracks open, and we hear
                                        into the auditorium an EVENT HOST
                                        speaking IN A MIC:

                                   EVENT HOST
                         ... 10 minute short break, and
                         we'll resume at that point with a
                         conversation on...

                                        We MOVE AWAY from the auditorium
                                        sounds, following skipping
                                        footsteps.... passing BUSINESS
                                        PEOPLE and VISITORS busy with their
                                        own affairs.

                                        Young M is humming and singing to
                                        himself -- maybe the Nirvana song /

                                        His skipping stops.

                                        Buttons on a vending machine are

                                        A soda can is dispensed and picked

                                        Young M stops singing.  

                                   YOUNG M
                         Oh.  Hey, I like your hood.
                         Hey, I'm M.  What's your name?

                                        FARAH (10) talks shy


                                   YOUNG M
                         Farah, why do you wear the hood?

                         This is not a hood.  It's for true
                         humility and trust before God.

                                   YOUNG M
                             (wary of her response)
                         Coooool.  Is that what you feel?

                             (clearly hanging her head)
                         Yes, I feel that.

                                   YOUNG M
                         But maybe you'll wear something
                         else if your family didn't teach
                         you that.

                         My mom is right.  She's my mom.

                                   YOUNG M
                         What if I talk to her?  I can help.

                                        No response.  Just footsteps,
                                        quickly walking away.

                                   YOUNG M (CONT'D)
                         Huh.  Fine.


                         We are back.  And what I wanna jump
                         right into, Paul, is, what if M-T
                         R.... could be younger? 
                         The vertical organization... a
                         little exclusionary.  Think about
                         the benefits of being more
                         democratic.  All employees having
                         more agenda.

                                   PAUL VOLLINGER
                             (also in a mic)
                         That's very true.

                         New ideas come from them.  If you
                         support them, support their values,
                         take a stand with them...

                                   PAUL VOLLINGER
                             (wondering where this is
                         Right.  How?

                         We're all reeling at the acquittal
                         of those four policemen.  Rodney
                         King is permanently damaged.

                                   YOUNG M
                             (whispering, sipping soda)
                         Psst.  Go, Dad!

                         What if M-T-R uses its megaphone to

                                   PAUL VOLLINGER
                             (shuffling in seat / mic
                         Well -- well, it could look like a
                         marketing ploy for more business.

                         It is.  But it can also be genuine. 
                         M-T-R is made of humans that
                         reacted to these events.  Isn't it
                         believable for a company to be a
                         representation of its people?  If
                         not on this, then on the carbon
                         emission issue.  On something.

                                   PAUL VOLLINGER
                         Look, these stances are not an
                         overwhelming majority.  It's not
                         the role of a business to become a
                         place of bias.

                                        MUSIC: suddenly becoming sparse.

                                        Sighs and "ugh"s from the audience. 
                                        Even a few "boo"s 

                                   PAUL VOLLINGER (CONT'D)
                         Next topic.  Your charm has no sway
                         on me, my friend!

                                        Dad laughs along, but is clearly
                                        thrown for a beat.  He tries to
                                        jump topics, stuttering...

                                   YOUNG M
                         Don't worry.  My dad will win.

                                   ATTENDEE 1
                             (whispering back)

                                   YOUNG M
                         That's my dad, and he will win.

                                   ATTENDEE 1
                         Oh, I dunno.  They're moving on.

                                   YOUNG M
                         No.  My dad said times are
                         changing.  Just wait.  Just wait. 
                         He said there is progress now. 

                                   ATTENDEE 1 (CONT'D)
                         Ha, okay.

                                        MUSIC: an upsetting swell,
                                        transitioning the scene to


                                        A crowd of mingling voices.

                                        IN ONE OF OUR EARS, we hear
                                        DISAPPOINTED WOMAN having a convo,
                                        lamenting the state of things.

                                        Young M takes a deep breath, lets
                                        it out.  Rubs his hands together.

                                        Disappointed Woman MOVES TO THE
                                        CENTER and FADES UP as we approach.

                                   YOUNG M
                         Hi, I'm M.  What's your name?

                                   DISAPPOINTED WOMAN
                         Hi there.  Emily.

                                   YOUNG M
                         Emily, will you join me if I start
                         a charity to help Rodney King?

                                   DISAPPOINTED WOMAN
                         Oh my goodness!  Yes, young man,
                         but look how tough it still is to
                         make change.  When your generation
                         gets older, maybe then we can at
                         least fight back.

                                   YOUNG M
                             (deep breath)
                         We will.

                                        MUSIC: a more positive swell this

               CUT TO

                                        Young M approaching RUFUS.

                                   YOUNG M (CONT'D)
                         Hi, what's your name?


                                   YOUNG M
                         Rufus, I like your name.  I like
                         your "Save the Rainforests" button. 
                         I've been thinking about the
                         rainforests, and I wanted to run
                         some ideas by you.


                                        MUSIC: another positive swell

               CUT TO

                                        Young M with Dad and GYORGY

                         Gyorgy, this is my son, M.

                                   YOUNG M
                         Gyorgy, it's very nice to meet you. 
                         I like your shoes, Gyorgy.  What
                         you said in your talk about cows
                         and methane made sense.

                         I thought no one could understand
                         my accent!  Thank you!

                                        Dad and Gyorgy continue to chat.

                         And as the father and Gyorgy
                         (exaggerated accent) continued to
                         chat, the father secretly ruffled
                         the boy's hair, as he often did to
                         show approval.  It was always just
                         the encouragement M needed,
                         specifically now to keep looking
                         around, and listening, even with
                         the odds against them.  In
                         everything, in school, sport,
                         extracurricular, M just could not
                         stop being hopeful and motivated.

                                        MUSIC: the positive swells become a
                                        continuous, hopeful vamp...

                                        Mingling attendee voices CIRCLE
                                        AROUND OUR EARS.  Pieces stand out:

                                   ATTENDEE 2
                         ...posture says so much about

                                        It ECHOES in our ears.  Young M
                                        echoes too, to himself,

                                   YOUNG M
                         Posture says so much about people.

                                   ATTENDEE 3
                         ...colorful sneakers on men are so
                         cool now.

                                   YOUNG M
                         Colorful sneakers on men are so
                         cool now.  Oh no.  Dad? 
                         Dad, why didn't you let me bring my

                                   ATTENDEE 4
                         I don't shake hands.  Others could
                         have a weak immune system.

                                   YOUNG M
                         I... Dad, I shook hands... um....

                                        The voices start to OVERLAP......
                                        more and more....

                                        ... an anxious flurry...

                                        MUSIC: turning sour and
                                        shrieking... a tease that there's
                                        something distressing under all

                                        Young M's breathing gets heavier. 

                                        VOICES NOW BLARING, DISTORTING... A
                                        MENACING GROWL... CRESCENDO-ING --

                                        And then thankfully it cuts
                                        off...... replaced by:

                                        MUSIC: groovy, uplifting 90s
                                        needledrop returns, continuing
                                        through the next few minutes (maybe
                                        a more modern cover now)

                                        FLASH-FORWARD, like hyper-channel
                                        surfing, forwards in time, through
                                        gibberish media voices.

                         Fast-forward 33 years.  Through
                         successful stints at a number of
                         culturally conscious companies...



                         ...and during which time he was
                         often on stage, similar to how his
                         father once was -- except the suit
                         and tie became hoodie, sweats, and
                         Now, as his own large vision formed
                         in his mind, M was ready to become
                         his own CEO.  Oh, but even after so
                         much time, here was someone that
                         stuck to all his lessons.

                                        A few laughs in the audience.

                                   NARRATOR (CONT'D)
                         You can't see, but the Moderator
                         held out his open hand for a shake,
                         and M, with integrity, offered a
                         fist instead.

               FADE TO

                                        M's voice, exuding casual charm,
                                        but also intense focus.  IN A
                                        HANDHELD MIC:

                not only will we deliver to
                         your door 100 percent plant-based,
                         organic dishes from our kitchen or
                         from local participating
                         restaurants.... What's truly
                         revolutionary is that we enrich
                         your order with a concoction
                         personalized to your microbiome.

                         That's where the stool samples come

                         That's the shit.

                                        Laughs from the audience.

                                   M (CONT'D)
                         And thanks to our partnership with
                         Transiview, AI helps us better
                         understand your desires, and to
                         study your real world and online
                         behaviors, which can all affect
                         your physiology.  The result is
                         personalized food, as I mentioned,
                         made to feel even better to your
                         taste buds.  Condiments, for
                         different personality types. 
                         And our service, down to things you
                         might think would be insignificant
                         but actually make a difference,
                         like personalized messages and
                         packaging material.  All of this
                         helps you appreciate us, hopefully,
                         but more importantly, it will --
                         this is a simplification -- but it
                         will reshape your mind to vibe on
                         the same frequencies as the plant
                         based life.  And wanting to help
                         the environment, because there's an

                         And how does that work?  Is it
                         boosting certain hormones to --

                         A deeper molecular change.  So we
                         ain't kidding, everyone: it changes
                         your mind.

                                        Silence from the audience, except a
                                        few confused "huh"s..... which then
                                        grow in quantity and volume -- a
                                        loud murmuring -- a

                                        MUSIC: INTRO/OUTRO THEME

                         Next episode, we'll hear more on
                         M's company, Rooting4U, and glimpse
                         its cutting-edge product in action.