chris shimojima.
narrative artist. real life. different beat.

Safe Society transcript Episode 2

               SAFE SOCIETY
               episode 2
               by CHRIS SHIMOJIMA
               © 2023 One Ocean Productions. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
               No portion of this script may be performed, published,
               reproduced, sold or distributed by any means or quoted or
               published in any website, without prior written consent of
               One Ocean Productions. Disposal of this script copy does not
               alter any of the restrictions set forth above.

                                        INTRO TITLE SOUNDS: ("Safe Society"
                                        chorus of whispers)

                                        MUSIC: INTRO/OUTRO THEME

                         Welcome back to our annual
                         symposium, and a special series
                         about our friend M's visionary

                                        RECAP SOUND BITES.

                         What's truly revolutionary is that
                         we enrich your order with a
                         concoction personalized to your

                         We left off with him now deep into
                         adulthood, introducing his new
                         enterprise at Vision Con, to a 
                         full house of attendees from all
                         sectors: energy, education,
                         banking, media, healthcare,
                         sustainability.  His mission?  A
                         new level of plant-based living.

                         Personalized food...
                         Condiments, for different
                         personality types...
                         Personalized messages and packaging

                         And how does that work?  Is it
                         boosting certain hormones to --

                         A deeper molecular change.  So we
                         ain't kidding, everyone: it changes
                         your mind.

                                        The audience's loud murmuring...
                                        buzzing.... growing...

                                        A snapping interrupts -- the
                                        audience quiets.

                         That was the sound of confidence. 
                         Of spiritual authority.  Of one
                         hand clapping.  Of Greatness.  It
                         was also the sound of M signaling
                         to the projection booth to play a
                         video.  The stage lights dimmed

                                        A humming pitches down and fades

                                        MUSIC ON VIDEO: generic corporate
                                        pop track

                                        ON VIDEO: night-time city traffic.

                         Across the country, 7pm, 7:30pm,
                         our subjects begin to tune in...

                         So what the audience was watching
                         was a visual explainer of M's
                         company, Rooting4U.  The
                         introductory shot was a wide of
                         city streets.  A beautiful
                         timelapse into the evening.  And --
                         look at that, they had a budget! --

                                        ON VIDEO: a WHOOSH, into interior
                                        ambience.  Some RESIDENT chuckling,
                                        as TV sounds play.

                                   NARRATOR (CONT'D)
                         -- it zoomed in super far, looking
                         through a window, into one person's
                         home, where he, she, or they were
                         watching a show on a screen.  His,
                         her, or their amazed face bathed in
                         a supernatural glow.

                         Picky people with picky needs...

                                        The audience laughs.

                                        ON VIDEO: another WHOOSH.  Another
                                        RESIDENT chuckling. More TV sounds

                         Then it zoomed in on another home,
                         another couch potato -- brilliantly
                         showing that this is a bigger
                         cultural trend.  

                         Of course, only consuming from
                         whatever is offered... but waiting
                         for just the right thing... What
                         will they choose to affect them?

                         Then it showed more homes.  More
                         people watching shows.  And using
                         delivery apps.  Endless food

                         Stomachs empty... ready to be
                         catered to... "Gimme more.  Please
                         me.  I dare you," they say......

                                        More audience laughter.

                                        AUDIO MONTAGE of doorbells... doors
                                        opening... "thank you"s... food
                                        bags rustling... doors slamming
                                        shut... chewing... "mmmm"s... lips

                         Their ravenous eyes, ready to
                         devour and consume.  Lips smacking. 
                         Messy mouths chowing down.  Saliva

                                        More audience laughter.

                                   NARRATOR (CONT'D)
                         Y'know, it's ironic how much M's
                         audience laughed, because they
                         looked nearly identical to the
                         consumers in the video.  Bathed in
                         a similar supernatural glow -- this
                         one from the auditorium screen.

                         Yes, it's good to be amused, but I
                         won't bash it too much. 
                         We can't fault ourselves for taking
                         what the economy wants us to,
                         right?  What we can do, though, is
                         match our gluttony with
                         responsibility.  Watch.

                                        ON VIDEO: restaurant kitchen

                         And then the video showed the meal
                         creation process:
                         A Rooting4U order pops up on a
                         tablet in a Rooting4U member

                                        ON VIDEO: Ding!

                                   NARRATOR (CONT'D)
                         The restaurant staffer relays is to
                         the kitchen, which is operated...
                         by robots??

                                        ON VIDEO: Mechanical robot sounds
                                        mixed with the cooking sounds.

                                   NARRATOR (CONT'D)
                         Well, that was a... surprise... to
                         M's audience.  You can imagine how
                         frighteningly close to home it was
                         for them.  Laughing they no longer

                                        ON VIDEO: disgusting food prep
                                        sounds.  Lots of squishing.

                                   NARRATOR (CONT'D)
                         The robots make the food.  Each
                         order has a Customer Concoction ID

                                        ON VIDEO: Disgusting lab sounds. 
                                        Spraying.  Bubbling.  Squirting.

                                   NARRATOR (CONT'D)
                         Scientists in a lab put these
                         Customer Concoction ID Numbers on
                         different stool samples -- that's
                         strike number 2, showing that. 
                         Another uncomfortable sight.  You
                         could feel the energy in the
                         auditorium plummeting.

                                        ON VIDEO: robotic beeping, computer
                                        voices, and pouring powders and

                                   NARRATOR (CONT'D)
                         Back in the restaurant, the robots
                         scan the ID Number and see
                         instructions for the personalized
                         concoction.  They measure powders
                         and fill a disposable dropper vial.

                                        ON VIDEO: printing sounds

                                   NARRATOR (CONT'D)
                         Personalized labeling is printed. 
                         A personalized card is printed.

                                        ON VIDEO: restaurant door opening.

                                   NARRATOR (CONT'D)
                         A Rooting4U Driver arrives and
                         shows a QR code to the staffer.

                                        ON VIDEO: robotic rolling and

                                   NARRATOR (CONT'D)
                         A robot rolls over with the meal
                         and the vial.  The Driver records
                         on his phone for verification.

                                        ON VIDEO: squirting

                                   NARRATOR (CONT'D)
                         The Robot empties the vial onto the

                                        ON VIDEO: apartment door opening,
                                        bag rustling

                                   NARRATOR (CONT'D)
                         Cut to: the Driver at the
                         Customer's door, handing over the

                                        ON VIDEO: chewing sounds from

                                   CUSTOMER (ON VIDEO)

                         Cut to: her eating the meal,
                         smiling, savoring every bite -- 
                         Okay.  This was becoming bad

                                   CUSTOMER (ON VIDEO)
                         I, like, feel it working.  I
                         feel... closer to nature.   I will
                         absolutely try the meal kits next. 

                         M was rolling his eyes.  He knew it
                         wasn't award-winning acting, but as
                         his video team had explained, there
                         was no better way to show reactions
                         that are, in reality, mostly
                         internal.  But when the lights came
                         back up --

                                        Humming pitches up and fades up 

                                        MUSIC ON VIDEO: corporate pop track

                                   NARRATOR (CONT'D)
                         -- it was fairly obvious the
                         audience was too savvy to let them
                         get away with it.

                             (feigning confidence)
                         Questions... so far?

                         2... 3... 6 hands up....8, 9, 10,

                         Yes, you there.

                                        Different AUDIENCE MEMBERS speak
                                        INTO A MIC:

                                   AUDIENCE MEMBER 1
                         I have a question about the use of
                         automation.  We don't want to be

                         I see your concern.  I wouldn't be
                         the one to take that up with, for
                         using what's unavoidable across all

                                   AUDIENCE MEMBER 2
                         We didn't get to see what the
                         ingredients really look like.

                         True.  Many of the meals aren't 
                         picture-friendly when being
                         prepped.  We didn't want that to
                         distract, because it's irrelevant.

                                   AUDIENCE MEMBER 3
                         Plants sometimes give me
                         inflammation... and... you know...

                         It's not uncommon when eating more
                         plants.  You'll adjust.

                         He was trying to stay calm.  He had
                         to prove that people would love

                                   AUDIENCE MEMBER 4
                         If you're charging a premium for
                         this, aren't you just helping the
                         well-off?  What about those that
                         can't afford it?

                         The well-off are the tastemakers. 
                         We get to them -- to you -- and you
                         spread these values to the common
                         folk.  It trickles down.  

                                   AUDIENCE MEMBER 5
                         Why should I give a shit sample?

                                        Pause.  M sighs.

                         If M was going to get back in
                         charge, right then would be the
                         perfect moment...

                         Show of hands -- how many of you
                         sent in a shit sample?
                         Okay.  So a sizable amount is okay
                         with it.  Plus another 20 that's
                         too embarrassed to say.  

                                        Snapping again.

                         Yes!  There it was!  The sound of

                                        Multiple carts rolling.  Sets of
                                        footsteps.  The audience starts

                                   NARRATOR (CONT'D)
                         The sound of M calling forth his
                         Rooting4U staff to bring out
                         personalized meals, to the dozens
                         and dozens of audience members that
                         had been curious enough to provide
                         a stool sample.

                                        Mash-up of "Here you go"s and
                                        "Thank you"s and "Yeah that's
                                        me"s..... except for AUDIENCE
                                        MEMBER 6, embarrassed, playing

                                   AUDIENCE MEMBER 6
                         Me?  Uh... no...

                                   ROOTING4U STAFF
                         You're not Morgan Lochlear?

                                   AUDIENCE MEMBER 6
                         Uh... yeah, I guess...  

                                        Meal boxes opening all around. 
                                        Wrapping paper shuffling.  "Oooo"s
                                        from the audience, now delighted.

                                        Envelopes opening.

                                        Gasps from the audience.

                                   AUDIENCE MEMBERS
                         Look at this card.
                         Oh my God, did you read yours?
                         What?  No way.  
                         How did they know this?
                         They couldn't've known this...
                             (sniffling back tears)
                         I'm gonna try mine.
                         What should I try first?
                         This looks really delicious.

                                        Chewing all around.

                         One of the ones not eating was a
                         young white adult, in his mid-20s. 
                         Less trendily dressed.  Clearly not
                         here with anyone.  A restless face
                         twitching with various emotions. 
                         He raised his hand.... higher and
                         higher, making clear he meant to
                         interrupt the feast.  M's plant
                         based gut told him this young adult
                         was combative, so he didn't exactly
                         rush to respond:

                         ......... Yes, you there.

                                        B, mid-20's, harsh, pent-up,
                                        speaking INTO A MIC:

                         My name is B.  I'm an omnivore.

                         ... Okay.

                         Killing animals for food doesn't
                         bother me.  Man's done it forever.

                         Many people here of all genders
                         feel the same, but they're willing
                         to try something new.

                         I don't wanna be manipulated. 
                         That's what this is, right?

                                        Some of the chewing sounds around
                                        us come to a stop.

                                        Long beat...

                         Lemme ask you something..... If
                         everyone already wants to get to a
                         destination..... who are we
                         manipulating?  If everyone already
                         has it in them.

                                        B scoffs.

                                   M (CONT'D)
                         You may scoff, but why are you

                         Why?  I love these conventions.  I
                         want to stay current on what
                         ridiculousness is out there --

                         No, actually, I think -- by the way
                         you glance at everyone to check
                         their reaction -- you've come here,
                         looking for something.  You've come
                         here, alone...

                                        B scoffs more at first.

                                   M (CONT'D)
                         Maybe all of us here are aiming for
                         the same Higher Self.  If I have a
                         tool to steer a smoother path, why
                         not use it?  Sometimes my voice
                         isn't enough to reach countless
                         more, so I expand my kit.

                                        M's voice changes.  It fills with
                                        INTENT and HEART.  And an EXTRA
                                        DEEP RESONANCE (like Dad in first
                                        scene of Episode 1).

                                   M (CONT'D)
                         If you don't want it, don't buy it. 
                         I'm being very upfront about it. 
                         Who are you to say how I'm allowed
                         or not allowed to make my impact? 
                         Can you see that's controlling?
                             (emotion keeps rising)
                         If I can get just one more person
                         on board realizing what's already
                         inside them: a desire to be health
                         and environment conscious, and to
                         share it..... that's worth it.

                         A tear even fell from M's eye.  B
                         was already shrinking back halfway
                         through this, and now M's force
                         completely immobilized him.

                             (suddenly chill, like
                              dropping an act)
                         That's adding passion to my voice. 
                         Did I affect you?

                                        B gulps, about to speak.

                                   M (CONT'D)
                         Don't say it.  Keep your pride. 
                         What I just now did is no different
                         than what these meals here do, just
                         at greater scale.

                         That's the other thing about M. 
                         His theatrical timing is

                                        Chewing all around, starting to
                                        slow... deepening in pitch...
                                        resonating more... like it's being
                                        submerged underwater...

                                   NARRATOR (CONT'D)
                         As if on cue, here came the first
                         wave of eaters... slowing down.....
                         feeling..... something

                                        Deep breaths all around... Light
                                        gasps... some exclamations....
                                        happening in a cascade FROM ONE EAR
                                        TO OUR OTHER......

                                        MUSIC: a sonorous current... a
                                        soothing spell...

                                   AUDIENCE MEMBERS
                         What... Huh....
                         What's going on....
                         Holy shit...
                         What do you feel?...
                         I dunno...
                         The guy's for real...
                         It's miraculous.

                                        Applause starts back up.

                         Shh.  Shh.  I know.  You there. 
                         Look inside and tell me, what new
                         urge do you have?

                                   AUDIENCE MEMBER 7
                             (genuine and moved)
                         ... I want to... help this planet
                         more.... really do something....

                                        Audience murmuring and
                                        exclamations, in awe

                         It won't be easy along the way. 
                         But we stand a chance, if we
                         always, always tune in to what's
                         around us.... And always, always
                         join in.  We have tools.  We have
                         our virtual voice.

                                        Audience breathes, feeling this
                                        deeply...... "mhm"s and "yes"s

                         B did not join in here.... But his
                         silence, instead of more scoffing,
                         spoke volumes.


                                        Bathroom fan running.

                         And in fact, at his apartment that
                         night, he brought a plastic
                         container with him to the toilet.

                                        Poop plopping into water.

               LIVING AREA - DAY

                         Fast-forward through the poop
                         shipment and, days later, he sat,
                         in his lonely bachelor pad that
                         lacked any design sense, staring
                         down at his first Rooting4U meal. 
                         Mock-steak with a rainbow of plant
                         based sides.  And even he had to
                         admit: it looked like fine dining.

                                        Utensils being picked up... knife
                                        at work....

                                        Then chewing... Swallowing....

                                        Utensils again.... more

                                        This time, a sigh, as if he's
                                        sitting back, relaxing into it...

                                        Again, swallowing.

                                        Followed by a deep breath....

                                        The subtle sound of saliva, moving
                                        around his lips, his tongue...

                                        Another deep breath.....

                                        Then something more of a gasp...

                                        MUSIC: a sudden positive crescendo


                                   M (PHONE VOICE)

                                   B (PHONE VOICE)
                         Hi.  I don't know if you remember,
                         but I was the guy at your Vision
                         Con talk... the one that spoke up.

                                   M (PHONE VOICE) 
                         Okay... Yeah, I remember...

                                        Long silence.

                                   M (PHONE VOICE) (CONT'D)


                                   M (PHONE VOICE) (CONT'D)
                         What's --

                                        Breathing is suddenly audible on
                                        B's side.  Wobbly.  Like he's
                                        stifling back sobs.

                                   M  (PHONE VOICE) (CONT'D)
                         B, are you there?

                                   B (PHONE VOICE)
                         I am.

                                   M (PHONE VOICE)
                         B..... we all have a virtual
                         voice... With strength in numbers,
                         we can fight....

                                        Another breath from B.

                                   B (PHONE VOICE)
                             (and then, more resolute)

                                        MUSIC: harmonious, peaceful pulses
                                        and gentle beat 

                         It's safe to say, M's new offering
                         was explosive.  You witnessed B,
                         instilled with new purpose. 
                         Feeling the revolution brewing
                         inside him.  And... now he even had
                         motivation to clean a week of dirty


                                        Faucet running.  Dishes being

                                        MUSIC: transitions to INTRO/OUTRO

                         In the next episode, we'll dive
                         into how M and B -- pronouns he,
                         him, his -- and the Rooting4U team 
                         - pronouns he, him, his, she, her,
                         hers, they, them, theirs, ey, em,
                         eirs, ne, nem, nems, ze, zir, zirs,
                         ramen, ramen, ramens -- began to
                         make noise, in spite of -- or
                         perhaps because of -- a huge,
                         global curveball.

                                        MUSIC: abruptly cuts off --

                                        -- with pops of static.

                                        The faucet keeps running.  The
                                        dishes keep sounding.  It's like
                                        we're stuck in a scene after it's
                                        over, witnessing something private
                                        and restricted....

                                        .... and now there's also a low
                                        airy drone...

                                        ... and distant reverberations of
                                        Narrator's voice:

                                   NARRATOR (CONT'D)
                         Feeling the revolution brewing
                         inside him.....
                         Feeling the revolution brewing
                         inside him.....

                                        The faucet, dishes, and drone take
                                        on more presence, getting closer to

                                        .... and now we even hear B's
                                        breathing, which stutters --

                                        -- interrupted by a burp.

                                        Another breath, which passes by our
                                        ears, as we seemingly move past... 

               INTO B'S BODY

                                        Echoing whooshing sounds, as if
                                        we're flying through a cavern....

                                        Now very close to B's heart

                             (as if in another room
                         Feeling the revolution brewing
                         inside him.....
                         Feeling the revolution brewing
                         inside him.....

                                        Pulsing bass reverberations and
                                        warping sounds.....


                                        Then shaking...

                                        Then something cracking open.....

               OUTSIDE B'S BODY

                                        B breathes, grumbles.....

                             (to himself)

               INSIDE B'S BODY

                                        Something quivering more...
                                        cracking more.....

               OUTSIDE B'S BODY

                         What is that...

                                        His hands rubbing his clothes...
                                        and the skin on his stomach....
                                        Prickling/rippling sounds, like
                                        something growing....

               INSIDE B'S BODY

                                        Cracking.... then a sudden a
                                        DEMONIC SHRIEK!  Godawful!

                                        MUSIC: a shriek here also

               OUTSIDE B'S BODY

                                        B breathing heavy, intensely

                                        The prickling/rippling sounds grow,
                                        along with something
                                        stretching/pushing, trying to push
                                        through elastic.... 

               INSIDE B'S BODY

                                        The demonic shrieking is now
                                        accompanied by slimy whip-like

                                        ... and then stabbing sounds --
                                        like multiple claws latching onto

                                        Then a whole chorus of cracking and
                                        shrieking, coming from all angles,
                                        filling the cavernous space...... 

               OUTSIDE B'S BODY

                                        B's heavy breathing, interrupted by
                                        a loud explosion of liquid,
                                        spewing...... and the demonic
                                        shriek, now more present, right in
                                        our face... 


                                        But suddenly, it all cuts off --

                                        Leaving only the sound of the
                                        faucet running.

                                        Everything's calm.

                                   B (CONT'D)
                             (quiet, in a trance)

                                        Footsteps -- he's saying this as
                                        he's walking now...

                                        He stops to pick up and unlock a

                                        Typing sounds......

                                   B (CONT'D)
                             (quietly verbalizing what
                              he types)
                         Can't imagine not having these
                         meals.  Let them inspire you to
                         help our planet......